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Showing posts from March, 2013

"America the Brave... Takes Righteous Stands"

  So the other day a "friend" on Facebook wrote the following: "America the Brave... still fears what it doesn't yet know." This quote was written in regards to "marriage equality." The young lady who posted this comment was raised in a conservative home where the parents, at one point, attended an independent Baptist church that taught Bible truths. Needless to say, that after years of public education and secular college courses, most of her conservatism has been taught out of her. As a believer of God's Word...I find this young lady's statement to be a foolish one that shows her blind acceptance to the world's philosophies. She clearly has refused the truth of God's Word and opinion has usurped biblical wisdom in this matter of "marriage equality." She, of course, would probably argue that the conservative right is far too narrow-minded and that we are intolerant of the LGBT movement. Can I just say....the portion of...

Sighing and Crying Over Sin and Sinners

How do you respond to sin and the sinful people around you each day? In Ezekiel chapter 8, the prophet receives a vision from God and his spirit is led by God to the "door of the inner gate" of Jerusalem. This is where the Lord shows him the idolatrous actions of Israel. The people were worshiping all kinds of "creeping things, abominable beasts and all idols (v. 10)." There were others who did idolatrous acts in secret (v. 12). The women were "weeping for Tammuz" (Adonis - a Greek god, v. 14), and the men were worshiping the "sun toward the east (v. 16)." All these sins provoked God to jealousy (v. 3). God is a jealous God (Exodus 20:5), and He was not going to let these abominable acts to continue among His people and in His sanctuary. The result culminates in verses 17-18, where God responds, "...lo, they put the branch to their nose. Therefore will I also deal in fury: mine eye shall not spare, neither will I have pity: and though...

Relying on God's Strength!

  What a crazy few months January and February were! Since school resumed after our Christmas break, my hectic schedule has gotten the better of me and hasn't allowed me to do much with this blog. Most of January, I coordinated a three-school spelling bee and speech contest (which our school won!); I revamped and planned for the resuming of our children's Bible club, which started Feb.6; I scheduled and fought with hospital billing regarding my hernia surgery (I went under the knife on Feb. 25 and am still recovering); and during all this, we put our home back on the market, which resulted in several showings for which we had to do last minute cleaning. The stress of it all culminated when we had an offer on our house that fell through. This week, still recovering from the discomfort of a 7 inch incision, my school schedule prompted me to order and coordinate for this year's SAT testing as well as scheduling our first enrollment interview for a new student. That interview...