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Showing posts from October, 2012

Democrats: Stubborn or Stupid

  Is it just me or are there people out there who, no matter what is said or what evidence there is to discredit their beliefs, will continue to walk in error. This election season has evidenced this truth to me in such a profound manner that I feel confused and perplex and a bit frustrated at those who hold their ground, despite it sinking beneath them. So, I wonder... are they being stubborn or are they just plain stupid. Remember that stupidity is worse than ignorance. Being ignorant is one thing because you don't have knowledge of the facts. Stupidity is worse because you do have the knowledge of the error and you are able to identify the problem and repair it, yet you choose the status quo. This typifies the Democrat today. They know that Obama has unsuccessfully spent record amounts of tax dollars on "plans" to fix the economy. They know that Obama over-rided the people's will and shoved Obamacare down our throats. They know he has not made a single P...

Tonight's Debate: Pay attention to substance.

Tonight's final presidential debate on foreign policy will be the last chance for voters to see the candidates head-to-head. After tonight, it's back to the negative ads and politics as usual. I cannot express how important it will be that viewers pay close attention to what is being said about foreign policy. Undoubtedly, we will all hear plans and strategies that will involve soaring rhetoric from both sides. Tonight, we should not open our ears just to hear , rather we need to listen . Obama is going to claim that Romney will be no different than Bush when it comes to foreign policy. He will try to persuade viewers that war would be the outcome of a Romney Presidency. Romney will use the recent Benghazi failures to paint the Obama administration as deceptive and weak on foreign policy. With all that will be debated, let us listen for a very important element of U.S. foreign policy. Let us listen intently on the proposals and dealings with Israel . This is the people and ...

Make Up Your Own Mind...

I just couldn't help myself. After last night's debate, I flipped through the different news channels to hear analysis and commentary. WOW! We are in serious trouble in our country. It is no wonder why we are so uniformed -or shall I say mis informed- about the issues in this country. The liberal stations picked Obama as winner before the debate began and FoxNews, the lone conservative station, touted Romney the winner. MSNBC, one the most liberal stations, outright told their viewers that Obama won "handily." Really??? Were they watching the same debate that I watched? I came away from the debate thinking neither candidate won. To me they both seemed like angry men trying to prove something of which they had little or no knowledge. I have a grand idea. Let's televise the debates but restrict analysis and commentary. Let the viewer make up his own mind. The media is doing a great manipulation job. They are leading their viewers with opinions and non-fac...

"When Good Men do Nothing"

The familiar saying, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" originates from the following excerpt from Edmund Burkes’ 1770 writings entitled, Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discontents: "when bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle." According to The Ethics and Religious Liberties Commission, only 30 million out of 60 million self-proclaimed Christians voted in the 2012 General Election. That’s one for every two! This figure astounds me. Most Christians are quick to complain about our nation’s moral decay, yet they have done nothing to stop it. One of the most important duties we have as citizens of the United States of America is to exercise our right to vote and only half of Christians do! Some have said, “I can’t bring myself to vote for either of the two candidates,” or they say, “It’s all rigged anyway. They only give us two c...

Willful Ignorance

It simply amazes me that my generation (25-35 year olds) is so easily manipulated. Many of my peers walk around figuratively blindfolded. Their hands are not tied, so they have the ability to remove the blinder, but they refuse and walk around willfully ignorant. Of course I am referring to the upcoming election. I hear so many of my peers who are going to vote for President Obama because he is the popular choice. They are still enveloped in adolescent mindsets, where one votes for the class president based on who is the most popular student at that moment. Where one stands on the issues isn't really that important, because "we shouldn't judge someone else because their viewpoints differ from our own." In fact, if you were to ask them about where Obama stands on issues, they couldn't tell you. I guess I shouldn't be all that surprised though, since we have been brainwashed from a very young age to be tolerant and accepting of the behaviors God has conde...