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Democrats: Stubborn or Stupid

Is it just me or are there people out there who, no matter what is said or what evidence there is to discredit their beliefs, will continue to walk in error. This election season has evidenced this truth to me in such a profound manner that I feel confused and perplex and a bit frustrated at those who hold their ground, despite it sinking beneath them. So, I wonder... are they being stubborn or are they just plain stupid.

Remember that stupidity is worse than ignorance. Being ignorant is one thing because you don't have knowledge of the facts. Stupidity is worse because you do have the knowledge of the error and you are able to identify the problem and repair it, yet you choose the status quo.

This typifies the Democrat today. They know that Obama has unsuccessfully spent record amounts of tax dollars on "plans" to fix the economy. They know that Obama over-rided the people's will and shoved Obamacare down our throats. They know he has not made a single Presidential visit to Israel, our most-coveted ally. They know his plan to tax the rich doesn't make any sense (because the rich are the ones who employ 90% of America). They know he is an immoral man who promotes the murdering of unborn babies, homosexuality, gay marriage and a variety of other socially immoral issues. They know he lacks any kind of military knowledge/strategy (Benghazi). They know he is purposely deceptive (Benghazi cover-up, broken campaign promises, current campaign lies, and hot mic incident involving his promise the Russian prime minister that "he will have more flexibility after his election.") They know he is fiscally irresponsible ($16 trillion debt over last 3 1/2 years, government sponsored bailouts and misappropriation of funds to companies like Solyndra). They know that unemployment and underemployment is still at record highs. They know people are making less than they did four years ago.

All these are facts not just circulated by the right-winged conservatives and FoxNews. These are all obvious facts anyone can gather from minimal observation. Even the left-wing liberal media won't deny these common facts about our current President.

I guess the answer to the stupid or stubborn question isn't all that hard. They are both. Stubbornness is stupidity. They are stupid for having the knowledge without taking corrective action (voting out Obama) and stubborn for digging in and holding their ground (party loyalty). What is truly stupid is their trying to dig in to get a foothold while their eyes are staring at the sign that reads: Caution: Sink Hole Area.


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