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Crossing the Line.... The Sin of Androgyny

Puke, Vomit, Hurl. These are the best words I can bring up (pun intended) to describe my disgust for cultural androgyny – the societal blurring of the gender lines.

We live in a culture where masculinity is criticized for its rough exterior and insensitivity, and feminism is elevated as the preferred trait among men. To succumb to this idea, it is now acceptable for parents buy their son girls’ jeans and allow him to grow his hair out long enough to make Rapunzel jealous. This same culture that belittles masculinity in men, promotes it for women. Our daughters are told that there are no barriers or rules for dress. Anything goes, even if that means looking the part of their male counterparts. Society warns that it would be an epic failure to ask individuals to don a gender-appropriate hairstyle or wear gender-appropriate attire because “you may damage their psyche” and you might “limit their opportunity to express individuality.”

In the 1970s, Sandra Bem – the inventor of the Bem Sex-Role Inventory and a highly-motivated women’s rights activist – theorized that all humans can be classified by their traits: masculine (instrumental traits), feminine (expressive traits), androgynous (high masculine and feminine traits) or undifferentiated (low masculine and feminine traits).

Bem’s study and theories of androgyny can be argued to have some validity in the sense of classifying traits, since it is true that both male and female bodies produce both testosterone (male hormone) and estrogen (female hormone) and the levels of these hormones vary greatly by individual. Scientifically, it is possible that a man might produce more estrogen than another, thus causing him to have a higher voice or less body hair or be more emotionally expressive than other men. But does this “feminine” classification permit him to behave and dress like a woman?

Regardless of the hormone levels of an individual – whether they favor the masculine, feminine, androgynous or undifferentiated traits– God is specific in His creation. In nature, He has made male and female (Gen. 1:27). Hormones distinguish traits, not gender. Bem’s study is dangerous because it has done more than classify character traits; it tries to define gender based on those traits. Consequently, it has opened the door for people to justify the acceptability of crossing the gender line.

 Scripture instructs God’s people to draw a line between the genders. “The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God (Deut. 22:5).” “Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him? But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering (I Cor. 11:15).”

Although these trends disgust me, I can’t say that I am surprised. The Bible warns us that in the last days, “men shall be lovers of their own selves (II Tim. 3:1-9).” Today’s culture is consumed with outward appearance, which is really a reflection of the inner self. The worldly man’s heart is filled with wickedness, so why should we be surprised when his sin spills out and alters his appearance?

In a sense, this behavior is expected from the worldly crowd. Really, we should we expect nothing less when our entertainment industry (i.e. TV, movies, music, fashion, etc.) bombards us with unisex propaganda. For example, the openly homosexual Ellen Degeneres flaunts her masculine fashion and behavior on her daily talk show. Most of her attire – from her haircut to her PF Flyers – screams masculinity. On the other end, you have the late Michael Jackson, whose long hair, soft-toned skin and effeminate voice warranted public speculation regarding his normalcy.  But the public has not only accepted these oddities, they have embraced and mimicked it.

Perhaps Christian parents don’t think androgyny to be a big deal. Perhaps they don’t care the effects of it on their children. What a sad state to disregard such an important issue. Androgyny has led to a plethora of societal problems including homosexuality, promiscuity and immorality. Christian parents have dropped the ball in this area, many claiming that they don’t want to interfere with their child’s freedom of expression. Some fear their children will rebel against them if they enforce strict dress standards. What they fail to realize is that fearing the child is evidence of who is in control! Take a stand and lead your children so they don’t fall victim to androgyny.

The topic should disgust you. My choice of words in the introduction (puke, vomit, hurl) was chosen not to be crude, but because I believe God feels the same about us. No doubt, we are in the Laodicean church age and Christians are growing apathetic. We go to church and are instructed to be separate and Spirit-filled, yet many have no conviction of sin. The church-going majority are lukewarm and that makes God sick! He is ready to “'spue' them out of his mouth (Rev. 3:14-15).”

Androgynous philosophy is sinful and Christians should stand firm against it – even if it means squelching your child’s “freedom to express himself.” Remove the androgynous influences in your home. Replace movies, television and worldly music with more family-oriented activities that glorify God. You can’t alter their hormones or change their personality, but you can – as a parent – keep your children from crossing the gender line that God so distinctly created.

This article was first published in Vol. 26, Issue 1 of the Earnest Contender, a quarterly newsletter and publishing ministry of Grace Baptist Church (Oak Harbor, OH).


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