I just recently came across a stat from a fact checking website that claimed if EVERY millionaire was taxed 100% of their income (meaning they gave every penny to the government) then the federal government could only operate for 2 1/2 months! This is the whole basis for Obama's second-term plan to balance the budget and reduce the national debt! "Tax the rich!" He knows the numbers just don't add up, but he plays this card because he knows it appeals to the welfare state and the ignorant of the middle class "who deserve an equal shot." Come on people. Let's figure it out!
Yes, the problem right now is that there is not enough tax revenue to cover our expenses. So logic tells us there is two possible solutions. Either raise taxes to cover the difference or you eliminate unnecessary spending.
The problem with the first solution is that it is not much of a solution at all. Raising taxes on everyone in a weakened economic environment would only create more financial unrest and instability. It would cripple the small businesses (which ultimately make up our economy) to the point of financial collapse. The result would be loss of jobs and more dependency on entitlements, thus canceling out the intended effects of the raised taxes. Ultimately, it would just make government bigger.
The only other option that doesn't defy logic is to eliminate wasteful government spending and reform or eliminate entitlement programs. Going this route without raising taxes would result in the reduction or elimination of deficit spending. Of course, there would be repercussions from this plan, with which no liberal is on board. Many people would lose government programs, which they may rely on to sustain their way of life. These hardship would force those individuals to use good 'ole American ingenuity to create income. It may inspire a lazy generation to implement their God-given talents for productivity. To me this is just common sense. I once saw a national park sign that read: "Please don't feed the animals. It may reduce or inhibit their ability to find food themselves." Are we that different? The government is trying to make us dependent on them. They want us to rely on them. The more we take from them, the more we think we need from them. I think the best remedy for our nation is to convince the animals not to eat from Uncle Sam's hand. Once we stop this bad habit, we will starve right? No... human instinct is to survive. People will begin searching for ways to sustain themselves.
Unfortunately, relying on the government is way too easy and almost half of our population relies on government in some way. It is extremely hard to convince a dependent person that he is able to do things for himself (and I'm not talking about those who are legitimately disabled and unable to work), not because he doesn't believe he can; rather because he doesn't want to to perform the hard work it takes to accomplish it. He would rather let someone else pay and take care of his problems. How sad.
You see, someone will always feel the need for a program, and cutting government programs is and never will be popular. Those believing this course of action are vilified. If we cut welfare, we hate the poor. If we cut social security, we hate the elderly. If we cut into Disability, we hate the disabled. If we cut Medicaid/Medicare, we hate the sick. There used to be a day when the family and church would bear the burdens and care for their elders and the ailing. Today, it seems, everyone needs a handout to resolve these issues of life.... but for those who eat from that hand of plenty should be careful...The nibble leads to gluttony and death from it is more appealing than a diet (which takes work!).
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