Abraham pleaded time and time again for God to extend his mercy on Sodom. "If there be 50 righteous... If there be 45...40...30...20...10." No doubt, Abraham felt distraught and grieved as each proposal failed. As his final request for mercy was rejected, Abraham assuredly felt hopelessness for Lot and his family. The rejection of his final request must have solidified in his mind that God's judgment could no longer be held back. I have to imagine that Abraham left Sodom sad and dejected, knowing God was about to destroy the city of his nephew Lot.
After last night's election, it is quite evident that our proposals to God for mercy are running out. We are finding fewer righteous people in this nation. How much more will God tolerate before judgment falls? Americans had an opportunity last night to replace a wicked leader, and collectively, we chose to retain that evil. What number are we down to with God?
Christians are undoubtedly feeling the same sadness and hopelessness Abraham felt as the pleads for mercy on America fail. But be reminded that our pleads fail not because God is not merciful; He was willing to spare Sodom for just 10 righteous people. Rather our pleads fail because the unrighteous are unwilling to change.They are unbelieving and unfearful of God's judgment.
So is all hopeless? I think the answer lies with Lot. God did spare Lot. Though he was living in sin, God considered him righteous. God showed mercy on Lot and some of his family. Today, the true believer can claim the same mercy. By God's saving grace, we find mercy in His eyes. As the fire and brimstone begin to fall on America, the few righteous will be delivered!
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